The Prettiest Woman

Times are hard and Roxanne is struggling.

When she discovers her housemate Jessica is living the high life she is introduced to the world of Sugar Daddy dating and she is intrigued.

Jessica makes it sound easy, "All I have to do is date older rich men and in return they give me money and gifts. No sex involved."

Roxanne is apprehensive but little did she know she was about to meet the man of her dreams....

Vincent Caruso is a tall, good looking billionaire businessman with the world at his fingertips. He introduces Roxanne to a life of expensive restaurants, plush hotels and shopping trips on unlimited budgets.

As Roxanne finds herself falling for this amazing man, she begins to realize the situation she is in. This is an "arrangement" not a relationship and feelings should not be involved.

But does he maybe have feelings for her also? Or is this just another business transaction for the young billionaire?